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December 4, 2006 Meeting Minutes

Town of East Windsor
East Windsor Historical Commission
11 Rye Street
Broad Brook, CT 06016

Minutes – December 4, 2006

A regular meeting of the East Windsor Historical Commission was on Thursday, December, 2006 at the East Windsor Town Hall.
The meeting was called to order at 6:40 P.M.
A quorum was established with all members present.

There were no minutes to approve.

Correspondence included: Connecticut Trust donation request, American Planning Association brochure.

Added Agenda Items include: Link with the East Windsor schools and Letter of resignation of Germaine Hoffman.

Old Business:
        Materials were distributed to be reviewed which will be essential to the Board of Selectman regarding the issued surrounding the Demolition Delay Ordinance and the Demolition of 93 Depot Street. These materials include:
1.      Summary Letter to the Board outlining the issues
2.      Letter to the Town attorney
3.      Letter to the Building Department
4.      Letter to the Connecticut Preservation Trust

New Business:
        The 2007 meeting calendar was reviewed. A motion was made by Marilyn Butenkoff to approve the calendar as presented. The motion was seconded by Michael Hunt. The motion passed unanimously.
        Election of Officers for 2007 was conducted. Marilyn Butenkoff nominated Barbara Smigiel as Chair and Paul Scannell as Vice-Chair. This motion was seconded by Michael Hunt. There were no candidates for secretary. It was agreed to continue to utilize the services of Christine Burkert if she continues to be willing, as previously decided in 2006, until a town volunteer can be found.
        Nominations were accepted by both candidates. Vote was called. Both candidates were voted unanimously.

A motion was then made to adjourn by Marilyn Butenkoff. The motion was seconded by Paul Scannell.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 P.M.

The meeting was followed by a holiday reception at the William H. Thompson Farmstead for all members and invited guests.